Visite guidée d'Insta-Shenanigan

Type de Visite: Historical Attractions Emplacement: Kilkenny
Type de Visite: City Tours Emplacement: Kilkenny

À quoi s'attendre

Description Complète


The Insta-Shenanigan's Walking Tour is a unique and fun way to see the real charm of Kilkenny. The tour allows you to be introduced to the culture and character of Ireland's medieval city, and to uncover the city's charm which you'll find hidden away down special nooks and laneways throughout the city.

Taking part in the Insta-Shenanigan's Tour will open your eyes up to a city you may have previously walked right passed. Take shots of some of the city's most stunning sites, all in the company of a local professional photographer who will bring you through the city capturing some great photos, and telling you stories along the way.

Your guide is bursting with knowledge about all that is great about Kilkenny and Ireland's Ancient East. From the beautiful meandering River Nore, to the stunningly beautiful Kilkenny Castle, you will find that this tour is perfect for locals and visitors alike.

Given that a picture speaks a thousand words, you can let your guide do all the talking while you create your storybook of memories of the city's best scenes.

You will be guided around the city by local professional photographer Vicky Comerford to capture your memorable visit to Kilkenny. With Irelands Medieval Capital as your backdrop, your Shenanigans guide brings the city to life with our unique blend of history, stories, fun facts, magic and laughter.

If you are interested in this option feel free to get in touch with Shenanigan's Walking Tour directly.





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